Thursday, March 8, 2007

too much publicity?

I am not sure if the attention that murder cases is good or not. It kind of seems like there is so much drama with everything, especially this Tara Grant case. It is important for people to know about the things happening in their area, but to know every detail? Is it really that important? I am not sure, I am not the one writing the article and usually not the one reading the articles either. I know that people find it interesting and look forward to reading the newest drama happening in their area, but to invade someones privacy and gossip about what has happened, it hurts people. Those members of the families involved in the cases may turn their computer on and see an article about that person and it may not be the most appropriate thing for them to read while grieving. I think that news writers need to watch how they portray the information they have received. I don't think it is necessary to have every single detail put on the Internet and broad casted to the entire world. It may be important to tell some facts of the case but things need to be held back.

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